Sushi Swap in trouble: Sushi Treasury state not good

Everyone can see the state of the treasury of Sushi project, the budget cuts the team has made, new tokenomics, feature parity or upgrade to the AMM stack, new product developments, and their BD team hard at work. These are not secrets. Sure, there are some fine details missing, for one reason or another incomplete, trying not to get their IP stolen.


But this is one of the most responsive and open teams in the cryptocurrency world. Where else can you tag the CEO of a cryptocurrency project and he shows up to give out information, or break down a proposal? If you want more info on something, ask the questions on their twitter, telegram or discord.

Tokenomics and merkle clawback issues could have been sorted through and provided a long term roadmap – before we had to go down this path. Holders would have supported a fleshed out, revised distribution including new emissions to Treasury.

Hopefully, there’s another DAO that will pay their salaries while also entertaining the constant dissent from the protocol team’s goals.

Sushiswap project has some tough times ahead, and their time is trying to plot a path forward that will work even in a sustained bear market. Increasing the treasury with non-depreciating assets, sustainability, and strengthening Sushiswap core model are the tools they are using. Instead of finger-wagging, if anyone has questions about these topics, Sushiswap users can try and be more productive with these community chats.