Bitcoin ABC 0.21.10 released, enhancements to the PSBT introduced

Bitcoin ABC developers have released version 0.21.10 to the public. This release includes enhancements to the PSBT (partially-signed Bitcoin transaction) RPCs.

bitcoin abc

The RPC joinpsbts will shuffle the order of the inputs and outputs of the resulting joined psbt. Previously inputs and outputs were added in the order that the PSBTs were provided which makes correlating inputs to outputs extremely easy. The utxoupdatepsbt RPC method has been updated to take a descriptors argument. When provided, input and output scripts and keys will be filled in when known.

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There were some RPC command bugs in the 0.21.9 release of Bitcoin ABC and most probably, this release will take care of it. Users were getting “second argument (maxfeerate) must be numeric” error.

if (request.params[1].isBool()) {
“Second argument must be numeric (maxfeerate) and ”
“no longer supports a boolean. To allow a ”
“transaction with high fees, set maxfeerate to 0.”);
} else if (request.params[1].isNum()) {
size_t sz = tx->GetTotalSize();
CFeeRate fr(AmountFromValue(request.params[1]));
max_raw_tx_fee = fr.GetFee(sz);
} else if (!request.params[1].isNull()) {
“second argument (maxfeerate) must be numeric”);

This issue has been solved in this release.